Sunday, August 2, 2009
Ask LaureNicole: Mother May I Monday
I going to be honest and a little blunt... So, get ready! You want your "diva" back... Well loose the tummy! Until then, here are a few tricks....
A girdle will be your best friend! Go! and find one perfect for you, not to worry they make them sexy too.. They won't look like grandma's oversize panties!
Be patient!
It took nine months for that belly to grow its going to take at least that long for it to recover.
So, save yourself the pain in trying to grab those jeans you were wearing before you got pregnant.
A tip I got from a very fashionable 6 time mother is don't be afraid to wear your maternity jeans for another month or two. I promise with the right top you'll never no the difference.
When picking tops, think about prints... It will not only hide your body's imperfections (if it fits well), but it can keep a baby entertained, hide spit-up, and make leaks look less noticeable.
Look for longer lengths that won't show your midriff when you're moving. With a new baby you'll be doing a lot of that and the last thing you want is to worry about adjusting your clothes.
Stay away from tops with a tie around the waist or it will enhance your belly. You want to avoid wearing jeans that are tight around your waist (black people get muffin tops too)!
Black is your friend, don't go over board! Black worn everyday can make you look insecure! Wear well fitting clothes not super loose!
As far as accessories wear large earrings or a necklace to take attention away from your midsection. Wear pumps, and heels to lengthen your body and help your posture.
Here's a good look; get your maternity jeans out, match it with a tunic, and a blazer, a structured blazer, the darts will give the illusion of a tapered waistline. Then pair it went an oversize necklace and earrings to add color. Once you've done that grab that oversize purse you have and use it for dual action nice pamper bag along with your essentials as well.
Hunny your DIVA is on its way back!!!
Keep working hard!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ask LaureNicole: Mother May I Monday
It's Mother May I Monday
We're starting something new, I have had tons of questions about what to wear and what NOT to wear..
So, its time we take care of it!
On Mondays, I will take the time to answer those questions. You can submit any question anonymously or give your name, whatever makes you fill comfortable and out of those FASHION DON'TS!!
We'll also discuss things you see on the street, so get out those camera phones and start snapping (DO NOT VIOLATE!!!).
All week you can send your questions and pictures to and on Mother May I Monday we'll get down to business.
Don't be afraid to ask!! My grandmother always said a closed mouth doesn't get fed.. In this case it won't be clothed... Properly!
Have a great & marvelous Monday! (couldn't think of a "M" fashion word!!)
Lauren Nicole
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
LaureNicole's Fashion Forecast: Damp & Dapper
So here's a few quick tips to make this dark day a little brighter..
It all starts in the closet, during a rainy summer day you want to go for light clothing. Avoid wearing thick clothing or materials like denim, and other thick cottons and woven mixes.
Wear chiffons, linens, and lighter fabrics that will dry faster...Yes, exactly what you're thinking... if you're out in the rain and get drenched, it takes less time to dry and you're not lugging you and 10 pounds of wet clothing.
Ladies, avoid wearing your "maxi dresses" these will cling to your body if you get wet.... NOT A GOOD LOOK! Instead go for well fitted clothing, something that definitely fits your body like a pencil skirt, capris (within reason), and suits. Avoid wearing layered dresses or other clothing during a rainy day.
Another thing my "sisters" please don't go out the house with your hair wrapped and a hair scarf! Seriously tacky! I know your hair may frizz but find reasonable ways to maintain your hair. Your hair won't look as bad as you think... if you're taking care of it. So loose the hair wrap!
So here's a LaureNicole extra for you ladies... Makeup is still appropriate when raining and for some a MUST!
Wear waterproof products like waterproof eyeliners, mascaras and lipsticks not only does it stay longer but you won't mess up that pretty face. Pastel colors are great too, its a GREAT way to make your gloomy day bright.
Well there you have it!
STAY dry , dandy, and DAPPER!
Lauren Nicole Taylor/LaureNicole
Feel free to leave questions and comments below.. To be styled or to book LaureNicole email us at Remember, every walkway is a runway - LaureNicole
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Get your pen & pad...LaureNicole's Fashion Update!
Hey boys and girls!
I want to give you a few tips that will help on your outlook on fashion..
Here's the first step!
Even if you stay at home, make an effort to get dress everyday as if you're going out. This changes your whole approach, you don't have to put on your freak 'em dress or a tux but get dress!!
You will find you have a more positive attitude and less inclined to grab those sweat pants and that baggy T-shirt. And FYI house shoes are made for the HOUSE not quick trips to the grocery store.
Secondly, treat your wardrobe as an investment. Fill your closet with must haves NOT make dos! The make do's end up sitting in the closet FOREVER creating clutter!! And if you're following my blog you know we're working on closet clutter! SO CATCH UP!
Lastly, get to know your body shape. And love it! Are you a pear, apple, brick, hour glass or inverted triangle?
Wants you know-- dress accordingly!
Feel free to leave questions and comments below.. Also, I'm looking for your stylish pictures, so if you think you were hot email me and see if you make the blogspot!
To be styled by LaureNicole or for your own custom wardrobe email us at
Remember, every walkway is a runway - LaureNicole
Monday, July 6, 2009
Let's talk accessories... one of my favorite accessories....PURSE, BAGS, AND POCKET BOOKS!
Yes! And for those of you ladies who don't carry purse or even a clutch.. SHAME ON YOU, seriously!!
Now for some of us it can be a JOY and for others unfortunately it can be a burden. BUT putting the right bag or purse with today's look can really pull together an outfit.
So yes, that means changing and switching purses with each ensemble. A simple black bag simply won't do! Purses and bags come in soo many different styles now, from the hideous "hello kitty purses" (inside joke) to oversize clutches and bags.
What most unreasonable people would call overnight bags. So here are a few things to keep in mind smaller bags are generally good for formal events and black tie affairs.
Here's the thing for these formal events don't be afraid to go over the top with them. In fact, don't be afraid to go over the top with any bag at any time!!
ok ..Ok don't get carried away, colors are your friends and you should definitely own an array of colorful bags but do keep in mind these big and beautiful bags work better with casual ensembles.
If you decide to wear all black or any predominantly solid color let your bag be a contrasting color.
Example, all black ANY color bag, all red try a blue, all pink try purple... YOU GET THE POINT!
One last thing, your purse does not have to match your shoes.. That's an old rule and quite frankly your bag can contrast your ensemble.
So run out and get you a fabulous fun oversize spacious bag or clutch!! Here are GREAT examples:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ok I'm back! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend..
So I checked in with a few of my friends about the weekend assignment and seems they were having a little trouble.
I won't name any names but if they had trouble that means you mostly likely are too.
The task at hand WAS... ORGANIZING YOUR CLOSET!!
Most of my friends had problems parting with the old... Giving the same excuses of "i'm going to loose weight," "that's coming back in style!!" (that had to be my favorite!! But a halter top turtle necks should be BURNED!!)
So ladies and gent lets try this again!! Throughout this week just randomly go through the things hanging and YES those on the floor an just laying over shelves!!
Be honest with yourself, someone else can benefit from it way more than you can. (except for that halter turtle neck!) It really doesn't take terribly long, just do it little by little and give it away.
Read the blog below specifics!
This is why we're doing this!! Your closet I'm sure looks the same! Sorry "friend!"
Friday, June 12, 2009
It's the weekend... Let's Get Organized With LaureNicole
So here's some homework or a little project for you to work on, and I'll take you slow, we'll do these things little by little every Friday.
The task at hand... ORGANIZING YOUR CLOSET!!
Life is so much easier and calmer when you're organized! Take this from someone who has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in their own. So, I have to say being organized in the closet...trumps all!
It’s much easier to find things, much easier to get dress in the morning, and the probability of being on time is much GREATER!!
So, over the next month or so, we will clean and reorganize our closets. I'm doing it too!
So here's what we're doing this weekend.... LETTING GO!
Step number 1 if you're not wearing it... GIVE IT AWAY!
A golden rule to organizing a closet is if you haven't worn it in a year and if it doesn't fit or fit well, GIVE IT AWAY!
Ladies, get out of denial, those "skinny jeans" you're waiting to get in, once you loose a pound or two.... Stop it! Donate it! Realistically if you lost the weight you would treat yourself to far more and probably something in season and far more stylish!
So, recapping this weekend simply go through your closet and get rid of what you're not wearing and can not fit... I don't believe in tossing things, always give your clothes away there's always someone who will benefit and who would LOVE to have your old items.
Well, here's to a clean organized closet! :)
Have a GREAT & productive weekend!
Feel free to leave questions and comments below...
To be styled by LaureNicole email us at
Remember, every walkway is a runway - LaureNicole
Thursday, June 11, 2009
LaureNicolel Teaches How To "Shade" Your Sexy
As the days turn warmer, you'll notice the shades get bigger. Certain experts will say this is the perfect time to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays.
This Fashion expert says its the perfect time to be FRESH and "Shade Your Sexy"!
Just like any other fashions...its an art to accessorisng, so your shades should be picked with care.
When picking your sunglasses ALWAYS consider your face shape, go opposite of your face shape. If you have a round shape face you want to go with a boxy shape, if you have a long lean face go with something that will make your face look full like round shape sunglasses...
There is an important message for you ladies!! Always consider your eyebrows, not all ladies look right covering there entire eyebrow (i'm one of them). Some should pick their glasses based off the natural shape of their eyebrows. (or like me use them when its time for the brows to be waxed!)
Oversized shades are definitely in this summer, but you must have the oversized swagg and attitude to go with it .
Here are my picks of those doing it right:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
LaureNicole Talks SHOES... SHOES... SHOES..
Shoes are an important part of an ensemble, shoes are like accessories its made to enhance your look.
Its time to take a risk! Stop wearing black shoes with your little black dress. Dress it up with some color and if that's easy for you try a yellow shoe or a printed shoe with a red shirt or dress.
Stop doing the thinkable and go outside the box. The trick is knowing when and when not to.
Always be aware of your surroundings, there is always a time and place for everything.
Here are a few pictures that reflex this fashion tip!
Feel free to leave any questions or comments!
And Remember... Every Walkway is a Runway!! - LaureNicole
Friday, January 23, 2009
First Family Fashion by LaureNicole
The secret is he has every reason to be confident and sure in himself. He's extrememly smart with a GREAT support system.
Therefore men, no need to be cocky for no reason...get it together! Don't just have your swag and your ride together. We need you together mentally and on paper too.
Oh, and let's not forget the suits, the president wears them extremely well. So, yes men pull out the suits every once in awhile, actually pull it out often. Show versatilty! ( I love a man in slacks!)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Making History by LaureNicole
Looking back at the long road of sucess.
In 1863, President Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to slaves.
In 1866, The Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to slaves, and the Fifteenth guaranteed black men the right to vote.
Between 1870 and 1871 Congress passed the Enforcement Acts that protected blacks' right to vote, hold office, serve on juries, and receive equal protection of laws.
In 1875, The Civil Rights Act gave minorities freedom of access, regardless of race.
In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY that racial segregation in public schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
In 1964, The Civil Rights Act banned discrimination in schools, public places, and employment.
Now in 2009 we have a black president!
I believe now, we should look at each other as simply Americans...
President Obama said it himself... Let there be no black America, no white America, no latina America, no chineese America but the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Most people mark the new year as a new beginging, a chance to start over, a time to get it together, and clean out the closet. (Literally!)
It's time for a new look...for a new you... for a new year!
People make resolutions in the new year, to quit smoking, drinking, cursing, to lose weight, to eat right, and to set goals. Well why not quit the fashion disasters? Why not clean your closet and show people the new you for the new year?
Small things you do will make a world of difference! Get a new haircut...try bangs or layers. Add a new color to your wardrobe. You should be exploring colors already, BUT I understand we all move at a different pace.
Use the new year to explore YOUR new look. If you weren't sure about trying something last year, try it this year...or at least ask me first! Lol!
Please don't throw your things away. There's always someone out there that would love to have something new. Take your items to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or make some cash and take it to a consignment shop.
Get yourself together and get rid of the baggage this new year...
Oh! And if you need help I organize closets, for more inquiries LNicole.Designer@gmail.com
Thursday, January 1, 2009
LaureNicole: You Only Have One Chance To Make A First Impression
People always say, don't judge a book by its cover. At least one person looks at you and tries to figure you out just by your appearance.
Let me paint a picture for you.
When you walk into a room, the first thing people notice is what you're wearing.
When describe by a stranger, besides the physical appearance, they describe a person by what they're wearing. Example, the girl in the red dress, or the boy wearing blue shirt with the red polo blazer picking his nose (lol!).
Your appearance is your first impression however, most people don't understand this. Although, the inside is important, appearance directly influences an individual’s opinion of another.
Whether, you dress neatly or a little sloppy people associate that with your personality. Hippies, it’s a care free look usually worn by someone with a carefree attitude. Glamorous looks, a woman who is always in heels or in the latest fashion... something like a diva... besides myself, Beyonce would be a great example!! :)
I myself like men who are well rounded, the urban look isn't my favorite (by any means) but a man who can pull it off...a man who looks good in a suit this is my type of gentleman.
Think about it, we like the better dress boys or the girl in those bad shoes (and I'm sure along with the walk).
So if you need some help... Through my services, I am able to give people advice that will help them achieve what they want - whether it’s to change careers, advance professionally, to make a lasting impression, style a high fashion photo shoot, or simply to feel good about themselves. If you're ready for this... You too can be styled by LaureNicole.